Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012


CLASS WORD and characteristics
1. According to Abdul Chaer word class in the book "Practical Grammar Indonesian"

1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Verb
4. Adjective
5. Greetings Words
6. Word Instructions
7. Word Numbers
8. Said Denier
9. Preposition
10. Conjunctive
11. Adverb

12. Tanya said
13. Interjection
14. Word Clothing
15. Word Particles
2. Characteristics of word classes
2.1. Noun
a. Prefix pe-, such as youth, the winner, and poet.
b. Ending in-s, such as dams, help and care.
c. Its ending, such as size, rising, and away.
d. Berimbuhan join pe's, such as construction, development, and expansion.
e. Berimbuhan combined a - s, such as meetings, mining and unity.
f. Berimbuhan join to's, such as keadilab, wisdom and wealth.
g. The word is followed by the phrase "that" .... or "excellent" for example: the (good), youth (very clever).
2.2. Verb
a. Words that can be followed by the phrase to ........, which states the tool, which declared a state, and which states broadcaster, called a verb, for example:
- Go (with sister)
- Walk (with joy)
- Writing (with the enemy)
b. Basic verbs such as: go, go home, write, ask, etc..
c. Sesperti berimbuhan verb:
- Prefix me-, like the words to write, read and see.
- Prefix areas, such as the words stand, practice and riding
- Prefix in-, as in the words written, read, and seen
- Prefix too, such as the written word, read, and seen
- Prefix per-, as in the words renew, speed, and shorten
- The prefix, as in the words written, abacakan, and reconcile
- Prefix-i, as in the words write on, go and live.
3. Characteristics Pronouns
1. The first person pronoun (replacing the person who speaks):
- I
- I I
- We
- We
Example: My sister asked his uncle, "Uncle, can I home Uncle? '(I = sister)
2. The second person pronoun (replacing one to talk)
- You
- You
- You
- You
Example: Why did you not go to school today? 'On Hasan Ali asked his classmates.
Third person pronouns (replacing the person in question)
- He
- He
- His
- He
- They
- The late
- Deceased
Example: Hasan is a new student in class V. He lives in Jalan Surabaya. (He = Hasan)
4. Characteristics of Adjectives
1. Words that can be followed by an adverb once and can be formed into words berimbuhan se - / her. Example:
- Beautiful (beautiful, beautiful-beautiful)
- Good (very good, as good-good)
2. Place at the level of the adjective noun phrase is behind the character, such as a large, beautiful and small. Example: a big house, nice view.
3. In the combination of words in the form of idioms adjectives can occupy the initial position or be upfront noun. For example: The length of the hand, which means thief.
4. Combined word meaningful comparison, the adjective noun is upfront. For example ruby, sweet guava.
5. At the level of the clause / sentence adjective can occupy the function, predicate, such as: the child is naughty, my little brother so fat
5. Characteristics Greetings said.
Greeting words did not have penbendaharaan own words but using the words of vocabulary proper name and said perkerabatan name.
Example: San (Form untuh: Hasan)
Li (Form intact: Ali)
Pak (Mr. intact form)
Well (Form intact Dad)
6. Characteristics of Word Bookmarks
1. It: is used to refer to a noun that is located relatively close to the speaker
2. That is: it is used to refer to objects located relatively far away, for example: It's the Unyil, the car was sold.
7. Characteristics of Words Numbers
Stating the number of words, numbers, sequences, or sets.
Example: Word main number one, two, three, eleven.
Said number of first, second, eleventh.
Said auxiliary numbers, one, two, one, and others.
Rich aids another number, setanggai, cluster, sheet and others.
8. Characteristics of word Denier
The word denier in the Indonesian language is:
- Nothing, not = I do not take the book.
- There is no, in the land there is no water
- No, it's not a mango.
- Without, without me he would not leave.
9. Characteristics of Words Home
The word used in front of nouns to connect the word with the clause by clause / sentence by sentence. Examples of prepositions:
1. Place to be: in, on, under, over and between.
2. Directions origin: from
3. Direction: into, to, be, and the.
4. Performers: by
5. Tools: with and blessing.
6. Comparison: instead of
7. It / mass: about, concerning.
8. Effect: up, up
9. Purpose: to, make. To and for.
10. By and by.
10. Characteristics of word Liaison
This word is used to connect words dengna clause by clause / sentence by sentence. Example:
1. For equal liaison deed: and, and or, while, in turn, is and others.
2. To link not equal: for, if, if, as, so, after and others.
11. Characteristics of Adverbs
This word gives an explanation of the sentence / phrase other parts that are not explained state / trait.
1. Kepashan is said, indeed, surely, precisely.
2. Doubt / doubt is if, perhaps, maybe, would, it seems, rather, apparently.
3. Hope, that the words, often, occasionally, sometimes, often, rare.
12. Characteristics said Tanya
This word is used as helpers, in a sentence that states the question. Example: what, who, why, why, how, what, where, when, when, when.
13. Characteristics of Word Fun
The word used for menggungkapkan sense that, for example: As in shock, tears, anger, awe, sadness and others.
Example: - interjections such short words: oh, pshaw, O, o, nah, na, and hah.
- Words like usual form of words: oh, woe crazy, sorry, bitch jeez.
- Uptake interjections: gee, commu god, thank God.
14. Characteristics of Word Clothing
In the Indonesian language used mainly to determine the definite article before the word proper name, perkerabatan words, adjectives, and the Sri.
Example: That Si Hasan
The deer have come first.
15. Characteristics of Particles Words
The word used for emphasis
1. - Kah (confirmed). Example:
Is this cupboard
Enough money
2. -Tah (used at the end asked the question words in the sentence). Example:
Let alone in my power to face trial
3. - Is (smooths the command line). Example:
Remove the pick up your workbook.
4. else (assertion). Example:
I do not know, he did not know.
5. per-(stating the meaning of 'any' or 'start') Example:
The price is Rp. Perlembar 1000.00.
Salaries of civil servants rose by 1 April.

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