Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012



Newton Law 1

Newton Law 1 reads: "The object at rest will keep the situation to remain stationary and moving objects will tend to maintain a straight uniform situation to move straight uniformly in the same direction as long as there are no forces acting on it".

Explanation 1 Newton law is as follows:
The nature of the object to maintain a stationary situation remained silent, moving straight to keep moving uniformly straight regular thing called inertia.

Newton's second law

Newton's second law states that "given the acceleration of an object is proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the style of mass of the body"

Newton's second law explanation is as follows:
In the form of Newton's second law formula can be written as follows
F = m. a
F = force (N).
m = mass of object (kg).
a = acceleration of the object (m/s2).

Newton's third law

Newton's third law states that "Every action force, there will always be the reaction force of equal magnitude but opposite direction."

Explanation of Newton's third law is as follows:
Newton's third law explains that every action force there will be no reaction force of equal magnitude but opposite direction.
Characteristic style action - reaction:
* Equal.
* Opposite direction.
* Working on different things.

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