Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Muslim Rosary Love

Silky fingers,,
Fingering the world in literacy,,
Where Adj want memakna,,
Through a rosary of love,,
Dreams and real hope,,
Changing lives into blood,
Now I try,,
Claiming flavor that never existed,,
"I Love the greeting"
I understand its true,,
Love without bound in sin,

What it looks like,,,???
Like what color,,???
Item by item thrown,,
Poem after poem spread,,
"Should kuawali where,,?"
When the beads mendzikir verse,,
"It should be begun as to what,,?"
When carving pen love story,,
Want to define himself,,
Through eminent creed of love,,
Want to interpret any greetings,,
Through soul echoes Takbir world,
No longer doubt be missed,,
No longer hesitated to be false,
Because I know,,
Qolbu lamunkan rustling sand,,
"Here I am, Waiting khitbahMU,,

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