Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012



Indonesian grouping familiar vocabulary in the form of word class. Indonesian grammar are many opinions regarding the number and type of the word class. Word class consists of a set of morphological categories that are arranged in a different frame of a particular system and the system of categories in other words morphological class. Morphological category is a series of words that have the grammatical form and grammatical meaning of the same. Each category was formed by the morphological specific morphological prosede. Morphological Prosede is synchronic word formation. Morphological Prosede that there are two kinds of derivation and intleksi. Prosede morphological derivation is generating words leksikalnya different meanings of the word constituent base. Instead, inflection produces words that different grammatical forms, but leksemnya remained as the base word.
Categories Morphology Indonesian word classes can be distinguished:

1. Noun Class
To define a word, including nouns, used as a marker of syntactic valence of the morphological categories of nouns morphology system builder framework was characterized by the same syntactic valence, namely (1) has the potential to combine with the word no, (2) have the potential to be preceded by the words, to , of, on.
Noun classes are found and data composed and: (1) pure nouns, ie, nouns that are not derived from another word class, (2) deverbal nouns, ie nouns formed from verbs.
a. Pure noun
Nouns consists of pure basic nouns (monomorfemis) and noun derivatives (polimorfemis). Derivative nouns formed from nouns words called denominal nouns.
Ø Basic Nouns
Pure noun form is found in the data base there are five kinds:
Example: children, clothes, head, people, house rice, clothes, markets, stomach, plates, plastic, fortune, bark, metal sleeve, floor, lekaki, chair, city, stage, kilometers, grade, T-shirts, street, huja, drizzle, glass, drawing, fruit, tip, money, space, television, tea, hand, room, rope, hand, shoes, wong, moon, eyes,
Ø Nouns Denominal
Nominal denominal the d.temukan the data, terdin of several morphological categories. Everything formed by denvasi, stem from basic nouns, namely:
Ø Category D's. '
This category states meaning 'region / area / complex / kurnpulan something that is at the base of the formation. " Example: clothing,
Ø Category D-ness "
This category states the meaning of 'results'. Examples: bonds, term
Ø Category se-D
This category states the meaning of 'one'. Example: sebatangkara
Ø Category D-D1's
This category states the meaning of 'like'. Example: scarecrow
Ø Category per-D-ness'
This category states the meaning of 'stuff'. Example: attention
Ø Categories to-D-ness'
This category states the meaning of 'stuff'. Example: opportunity
Ø Category pcng-D's
This category states the meaning of 'process'. Example: the experience
b. Transposition noun
From the data transposition noun is not found in the word cards
2. Verb Classes
To define a word including verbs, syntactic valence is used as the frame builder category sisteni verb morphology was characterized by the same syntactic valence, which is possessed; potential berkomhinasi with the words: no, was, is, will, new, has, not, like, want,
Class of verbs found in the data consists of (1) pure verbs, ie verbs that are not derived from another word class, (2) denominal verbs, ie verbs formed from nouns, (3) deadjektival verbs, ie verbs and adjectives formed, (4) denuineral verbs, the verb formed from numeralia, and (5) depronominal verbs, the verb form of the pronoun.
a. Pure verbs
Pure verbs consist of basic verbs (monomorfemis) and verbs tour. (Polimorfemis). The derived verb forms and verb words are called verbs diverbal.
Ø Basic Verbs
Verbs pure, basic form found in the data are as follows: no, get up, go, fast, home, back, eat, stop, come, said, change, down, stay, receiving, transit, safe,
Ø Verb Deverbal
Deverbal verbs found in the data, consists of some morphological categories, namely:
1) Category-D in
This category states the meaning of 'intentional action focused goals. " Example: appointed, à verbs 1
2) Category ter-D "
This category states meaning "it can be '.
Example: verb 1 à smiling
3) Category Meng-D
This category states meaning 'act of deliberate focus offender'.
Example: drag, stick, switch, nodded, put, to, imitate, lifting, using verbs à 1
4) Category Meng-(D-i)
This category states meaning 'locative.
Example: address, has à verbs
5) Category-Meng (D-kan)
This category states meaning 'benefactive / directive
Example: forward, invited, causing à verbs 1
6) Category D areas-an
This category states meaning 'malakukan prolonged action, be alone or with others'.
Example: view à verbs 2
7) Category D areas
Kategoii states meaning 'old bcrlangsung action'.
Example: end, was, shelter à verbs 2,
Category Meng-D
This category states meaning 'processes / state'.
Example: melompatà verbs 2
b. Transposition verbs
Verba Denominal
Denominal verbs found in the morphological data covering six categories, viz.
1) Category Meng-D
This category is derived from the noun category D with zero derivation to form the verb category D which states the meaning of 'a deliberate act focuses offender'.
Example: close, up à verbs I
2) Category-Meng (D-i)
This category is derived from the noun kategon D then dMenvasikan verb categories in the meaning 'locative. Examples. handle à verbs 2
3) Category di-(D-i)
This category is derived from the noun category D kemudiun derive a verb categories in which has the meaning of 'causative.
Example: signed à verbs 2
4) Category Meng-(D-kan)
This category is derived from the noun category D then derive a class D verbs that express the meaning of 'causative.
Example: rnerupakan à verbs 2
5). Category in-(D-kan)
Categories derived from the noun category D then derive a verb category D which states the meaning of 'causative.
Example: mentioned, used, concluded, done, done à verbs 2
6) Category D areas
This category is derived from the noun category D and express the meaning of 'prolonged action'.
Example: determined àverba 2
Ø Verb Deadjektival
Deadjektival verbs found in the data, including dim kinds morphological categories, namely:
1) Category-Meng (D-i)
This category is derived from the adjective category D then derive a verb categories in which states the meaning of 'causative.
Example: animating, appreciate, respond à verbs 2
2) Category-Meng (D-kan)
This category is derived from the adjective category D kemuadian derive a verb the category D, which states the meaning of 'causative.
Example: implementing fun, continue à verbs 2
Ø Verb Demimeral
From the data found only salu kalegori denumeral morphological verb, namely Meng-D category, which is derived from the basic forms stating numeralia meaning 'processes / state'.
Example: thorough - »verbs 2
Ø Verb Depronominal
From the data found only one morphological category depronominal verbs, ie category Meng-(In), pronouns are derived from the basic forms and then derive a verb categories in which states the meaning of 'repetitive. Example: admit -> • verb 1
3. Adjective Classes
To define a word including adjectives, used as a device category syntactic valence morphological skeleton builder adjective morphology system was characterized by the same syntactic valence is potentially in combination with the words: very, somewhat, at least, very, very,
Grade adjectives found in only one category of data morphologically, namely adjectives basic form consists of:
Example: apes, safe, familiar, scared, wet, a lot of, well, stupid, pretty, dwarf, greetings, love, is, offended, authoritative, too, spona, serious, often, pretty, quiet,
4. Class Numeralia
To define a word lermasuk numeralia, used syntactic valence because the morphological categories builder numeralia morphological system framework is characterized by valence: syntactically the same which can be joined with nouns.
Numeralia class found in the data that there is only one kind of pure nrmeralia. As is numeralia is numeralia are not purely derived from another word class. Numeralia purely consists of basic numeralia
monomorfemis) and numeralia tunman (polimortemis). Numeralia derivatives formed from words numeralia called niimeralia denumeral.
a. Basic Numeralia
Numeralia pure form is found in the data base are of two kinds, namely:
Example: a, row, two, seven, nine, every, one,
b. Numeralia Denumeral
Numeralia denumeral no cards were found in the data word,
5. Adverb classes
To define a word including adverbs, used syntactic valence because the morphological categories builder system framework is characterized by morphological adverbs syntactically the same valence that can be joined with verbs.
Adverb class is found in the data there is only one morphological categories, namely adverbs basic form consists of:
Example: no, have, will, new, was, is, it, too,
6. Class pronouns
Pronouns found in the data includes three kinds, namely:
a. Pronouns persona:
Example I, suya, you, them.
b. Pronouns pointer:
Example: it is
c. Pronouns questioner:
Example: if, when.
7. KataTugas
From the available data found that function words include:
1. Preposition:
Example: in, to, in, on, therefore.
Example: then, as well, which, in fact, before, Kulau, because, but, Muku, when. then, scakan-will.

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