Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012


 As Muslims, we should always remember those who created us so we could be in this world, and in addition we also have to be thankful for all of it because we would not be what it is today if we do not always remember the devotion and the creator. Uppss so we must have faith in GOD that He is always dear friend to us.

1. Definition of Faith
Etymologically derived from the Arabic faith amana, yuminu, artinyapercaya of faith. Faith in God means to trust in God. While based terminological faith in God means believing percya and with absolutely convinced that there is an almighty Allah Alone, either Dzatnya, actions, and properties.

2. Attributes of Allah
To foster and strengthen the quality of faith in Allah Almighty, we really need to learn or review the attributes of God. The following will be discussed one by one the properties required for God and nature are impossible for him as opposed to the compulsory nature of it.

1. The nature of being (there), opponents' Adam (no)
We believe in the existence of God though not and can not be seen by naked eye. We can believe in something even if its existence is not visible, but we can feel it, such as the wind, uadara and viruses.
2. Qidam properties (without beginning), his opponent Huduts (had a beginning)
As the creator of the universe, Allah Almighty. It was not created because each is created must have early life, as human beings are born due to the parents as the beginning of human life and death as well as the end of life.
3. Baqa properties (eternal / eternal), his opponent Fana (destroyed / lost
As the almighty creator of all things, God must necessarily not perish / lost, because the circumstances are perishing nature (creature), all creation has a weakness, that would be damaged / destroyed and eventually destroyed.
4. The nature Mukhalafatuhu lil hawadits (different nature), his opponent mumatsalatuhu lil hawadits (similar nature)
This trait is the nature of the assertion that God is necessarily different nature or creation. A person who creates a robot will be different robot creations.
5. The nature Qiyamuhu bi nafsihi (stand alone), his opponent Qitamuhu li ghairihi (standing on the other)
If we accept that God is obliged to be Qidam, Baqa, ukhalafatuhu lil hawadits, reason must accept that God is a stand alone, no partner for him.
6. Wahdaniyat properties (maha Esa), opponent Ta'addud (berbilang)
Oneness of God is absolute or absolute, meaning that Allah SWT. And Dzatnya Esa, Esa in their properties and Esa in his actions. Esa dzatnya not mean God is not the result of addition, multiplication or derived from any calculation of an assortment of elements.
7. The nature of Squares (Supreme power), his opponent Ajzun properties (weak)
Allah SWT. All-powerful, all-perfect power is not limited to be able to do anything according to his will toward all sentient creations. He is mighty above all things, has all the power and do not have the slightest weakness. His rule is absolute pervades the universe, from tiny creatures to the largest.
8. The nature of Al will of god (wills), opponent Karahah nature (forced)
Al will of god implies that God is a God who has the will sepehuh to its fullest and it tends to almighty God Alone and not forced. Humans also have a desire for anything, namu will of man is measured by the limited ability.
9. The nature of science (all-knowing), opponent Jahlun (stupid)
Divine Science. Vast and infinite knowledge of God is perfect and it's always there, and precedes all-everything. Even all the events and happenings that have either passed or will datangAllah all-knowing Almighty. Because the science of God is perfect and all-area, then it giver science for all beings especially human creation.

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