Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012


History of Religion ISLAM entry into Indonesia

After the death of Prophet Muhammad in 632 AD, was taken by the leadership of the Islamic caliphate. Under the leadership of the caliphs, Islam began to spread more widely. Until the 8th century alone, the influence of Islam has spread throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Spain. Then in the Ummayads dynasty, the influence of Islam began to grow until the nation.

Historically, the islands archipelago is a region known as the spice in the world. It makes a lot of traders from all over the world come to the archipelago to buy spices to be sold back to their home areas. Including traders from Arabia, Persia, and Gujarat. Besides trade, Muslim merchants were also preaching to introduce Islam to the local population.

Theories entry of Islam into Indonesia

According to some historians, the new religion of Islam to Indonesia in the 13th century AD brought by Muslim traders. Even so, it is not certain since when Islam arrived in Indonesia because experts still disagree about it. There are at least three theories that try to explain the arrival of Islam in Indonesia, namely the theory of Mecca, Gujarat theory, and the theory of Persia.
1. Gujarat theory, theory pioneered by Snouck stated that the new religion of Islam entered the archipelago in the 13th century AD brought by traders from Kambay (Gujarat), India.
2. Persian theory, theory was pioneered by PA Husein Hidayat. Persian theories claim that Islam was brought by traders from Persia (now Iran) because of some similarities between the culture of the Islamic community in Indonesia with Persia.
3. Mecca theory, this theory is a new theory that appears to argue that the new Islam to Indonesia in the 13th century and was taken by the people of Gujarat. This theory says that Islam in Indonesia directly from Mecca (arab) as the center of Islam since the 7th century. This theory is based on a story from China stating that in the 7th century had contained a Muslim village on the west coast of Sumatra.

An Arab lettered tombstones belonging to a Muslim woman named Fatimah Bint Maemun found in North Sumatra and are thought to originate from the 11th century is also a proof that Islam is in Indonesia long before the 13th century.

The process of inclusion of Islam in Indonesia

The process of entry of Islam into Indonesia conducted in a peaceful manner to adjust to the local customs that have been there first. The teachings of Islam which teaches equality, does not discriminate against the poor and the rich, the powerful and the weak, the little people and the rulers, not the caste system and assume all people are equal before Allah has made Islam slowly Islam.

The arrival of Islam to Indonesia conducted in a peaceful and carried out by the following ways.
1. Through Trading Method
Indonesia is traversed by sea trade route linking China and elsewhere in Asia. Indonesia's strategic layout makes traffic trade in Indonesia is very dense solid traversed by traders from all over the world including Muslim traders. Many Muslim traders settled in the coastal areas of Java and Sumatra, where the population still adheres to Hinduism. These merchants mosque and bring the scholars and preachers to introduce the values
​​and teachings of Islam to the local population.
2. Through Marriage
For indigenous peoples, Muslim merchants kelangan regarded as respectable. This leads to many native rulers keen to marry off their daughters to these traders. Before marriage, the girl would be a Muslim first. Weddings are among the merchants Muslim Muslims and local authorities are increasingly facilitate the spread of Islam in the archipelago.
3. Through Education
Teaching and Islamic education began after the Islamic society is formed. Education conducted in schools or in the lodge were guided by religious teachers, scholars, or clerics. The students who have passed will return to his hometown and would preach Islam in their respective villages.
4. Through the Arts
Puppet art is one means to spread Islam to the local population. Sunan Kalijaga was one of the privileged who stages a puppet to introduce the religion of Islam. Staged wayang usually plucked from the Mahabharata or the Ramayana story which is then inserted with Islamic values.

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