Rabu, 07 November 2012


Definition and Types of Recycling Biogeochemistry

Biogeochemistry is a change or exchange that occurs continuously between the non-living components of the biosphere with the living.
In ecosystems, matter at each trophic level is not lost. The material in the form of constituent elements for organic material is recycled, which elements are included in the biotic kompoenen because air, water and soil. Recycling these materials also called Recycling Biogeochemistry, this is because the change involves some creatures and rocks (geophysical).
Function Cycle Biogeochemistry
Changes or recycled elements are known as the Recycling Biogeochemistry has a role and an important function in maintaining the survival of the earth, it is karenakan all materials recycled beogeokimia results can be used by all that is on earth, including the biotic components or abiotic components.
Function Cycle Biogeochemistry
The function of the biogeochemical cycle is to maintain continuity hidip earth, because the material is the result of the biogeochemical cycle can be used by all components of the earth such as abiotic and biotic.

Biogeochemical cycle is a cycle or cycles organikanorganik atausenyawa chemical element that flows from the biotic and abiotic components back lagike abiotic components. The cycle of these elements not only through the organism, but jugs of chemicals in the environment involves reaksireaksi abiotic sehinggadisebut biogeochemical cycles. These cycles include: water cycle, siklusoksigen, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, and sulfur cycles. Here only akandibahas 3 kinds of cycles, the nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle and the carbon cycle

Understanding Biogeochemistry
Biogeochemistry is an exchange or a change that occurred continuously between components ambiotik the biotic components.
Function Cycle Biogeochemistry
The function of the biogeochemical cycle is to maintain continuity hidip earth, because the material is the result of the biogeochemical cycle can be used by all components of the earth such as abiotic and biotic.
Kinds of Recycling Biogeochemistry
• Phosphorus Cycle

Phosphorus is one of the elements that are important in life because all living things need phosphorus in the form of ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate), which is useful for sumbr energy metabolism in cells. Phosphorus ions form the ion fosfst or (PO43-), ion is present in the rocks. As a result of erosion and weathering of phosphate will likely carry over into the river even to the sea that forms sediments. Sediments contain phosphates could rise to the surface due to the shearing motion of the base of the earth. Plants take fospat are still a solution that is in the soil.
Sources of phosphorus that is contained earth from rocks, plants, soil and organic matter. Phosphorus cycle berberups result of weathering rocks is called input, while output in the form of mineral fixation dab pelindikan that can be generated by the output phosphor.
Phosphorus compounds are divided into two organic phosphates such as plants and animals, and inorganic phosphate compounds: water and soil.
• Recycled Water

Recycled water is circulating that never stops from the water on earth Diman able to move water from the mainland, and then into the air and then kedaratan again, and was able to stored water bottom surface with 3 phases, namely in the form of liquid water, solid ice form, and gas in the form of air.
Water vapor present in the atmosphere, water vapor from the sea water and the water that evaporates as a result dratan terkenanya heat coming from the sun. But in general, the water vapor contained in diatmosfir just vaporized seawater, because the vast ocean reaches ¾ of the earth surface. Terkondensasinya water vapor in the atmosphere will change into clouds, clouds that eventually it will turn into rain, rain that came down in the earth will go into the soil, groundwater and eventually it will form a surface groundwater groundwater.

Available water in the soil is absorbed by plants memalui vessels in the body, and transpiration of water vapor is released by plants or plants into the atmosphere. Evapotranspiration in terrestrial ecosystems could reach 90% by plants.
Groundwater flow to the face of the earth towards the river, and empties into the sea and into the lake. Recycling this happens disebet with long cycle but this cycle begins with the process of Evapotranspiration and Transpiration in water followed by precipitation or the occurrence of water that falls to earth is called short sikus.

Just as the process of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle, the sun also plays an important role in the hydrological cycle. The sun is the energy source that drives the water cycle, heats water in oceans and seas. As a result of this warming, water evaporates as water vapor into the air. 90% of the water that evaporates from the oceans. Ice and snow can also be sublimed and directly into water vapor. Above all, the water is also going evapotranspiration occurs from plants and evaporated from the soil that increase the amount of water that enters the atmosphere.
After the water had become water vapor, rising air currents take the vapor to move up into the atmosphere. The higher the points, the lower the air temperature. Later the cold temperatures in the atmosphere cause water vapor to condense into clouds. For certain cases, water vapor condenses on the surface of the earth and forms a cloud.

Air currents (wind) carries water vapor moving around the world. Many meteorological processes occur in this section. Cloud particles collide, grow, and water falls from the sky as precipitation. Some precipitation falls as snow or hail, sleet, and can accumulate as ice caps and glaciers, which can store frozen water for thousands of years. Snowpack (compacted snow) can thaw and melt, and the melted water flows over land as snowmelt (snow melt). Most of the water falls to the surface and back to the sea or to the ground as rain, where the water flows over the ground as surface runoff.
• Recycling Balerang Or Sulfur

Sulfur only in inorganic sulfur, sulfur will be reduced menjdi sulfide by bacteria in the form of sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide form. Hydrogen Sulfide can destroy living things that are waters that would eventually result in dead organic matter due to decomposition. Plants can also absorb sulfur in the form of sulfate (SO4).
The bacteria involved in the sulfur or sulfur cycle is Desulfibrio and Desulfomaculum serve to reduce sulfate to sulfide form (H2S) or hydrogen sulfide, sulfide beneficial for anaerobic bacteria such as Chromatium Fatoautotrof the melepasjan sulfur and oxygen.
Occurrence of Sulfur Process
Sulfur occurs due to the combustion of fossil fuels or coal are the result of volcanic activity berapai, and the smoke was going up into the atmosphere, or the air of sulfur oxides that would be the hidrolidid diawan water to form H2SO4, which condenses the cloud will eventually lose rain, known as acid rain.
Rain water will enter into the land that will be transformed into a very peting Sulfate for plants. Sulfate is only present in the inorganic form (SO4), sulfate is capable of moving from the earth or nature ketubuh crops / plants through sulphate uptake by the roots.
Sulfur will be reduced by bacteria to form sulfide and sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide.
• Recycling Carbon and Oxygen

The occurrence of a reciprocal process between resirasi recycling and photosynthesis is responsible for the change and the main movement of carbon. Decrease of photosynthesis can affect an increase or decrease of CO2 and O2 diatmosir seasonally available. Silkus carbon is strongly influenced by the oxygen and photosynthesis. Carbon cycle in the Geosphere or four places in the earth, hydrosphere or diair, Atsmosfer or in the air, and the Biosphere or in living things.
Air pollution in the age of globalization era berdapt to increased CO2 entering the atmosphere.
Ornganik compounds such as proteins, nucleic acid or urea or inorganic compounds such as nitrate, nitrite and ammonia is a compound found in Nitrogen. Below the phase-phase nitrogen is dair

1. The first phase of the nitrogen cycle is the process of transfer of atmosif nitrogen into the soil. In addition to the inclusion of nitrogen into the soil due to rain water, nitrogen can also go through the process of nitrogen fixation, the process is carried out by Rhizobium symbiosis with bacteria that will Azotobacter, Clostridium, and legumes. Green Gangang also have the same bleak nitrogen fixation.
2. The second stage in which nitric obtained from biological fixation used by the manufacturer or tnaman which will turn it into protein. If there is a dead animal or eat decomposing plant will turn it into NH3 (gas amoneak) and will change to NH4 + (salt dissolved ammonim oleg water), a process that occurs is called the amonifikasi. Nitrosomonas bacteria can convert ammonium compounds and nitrates amoneak be processed by Nitrosomonas. Denitrification is a process where the oxygen in the soil terdapt terbasa, eating ditransformaasikan nitra will quickly become nitrogen oxide or nitrogen gas.

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