Kamis, 08 November 2012

When Should Survive, When Should Removing

Friends of my brother fillah ... human life is always spinning wheel, not always we are under with all the pain and we are not always on the top with all the fun. Allah is fair .. He knows what is best for His servants. "Perhaps you do not like something and that's good for you, and maybe you love something when it's not good for you. Allah knows, while you know not." (Surat al-Baqara: 216).
Friends of fillah brother ...
There is a burning in the corner when we remember the heart of everything that we experience. After a long hold out, so long harbored hurt and sorrow, apparently at the direction of God we must take this path. We need to be sure this is the "final decision" is best for us ....
There are things that we do not want to let go, do not want us to leave, but there are times when we have to stop loving someone not because he stopped loving us, not because we do not love him anymore, but we realize that we love he might be happier if we let it go ....

There are several reasons as we endure and do not want to let go:
We do not want to let go of someone when our happiness depends on him.
 We do not want to let go of someone when we feel he's handsome, beautiful and especially compared to the others.
We do not want to let go of someone when we fear can not find anyone like him.
We do not want to let go of someone when so many beautiful moments ever imagined in our minds.
We do not want to let go of someone when your heart says "I love him"
But remember friends of my brother fillah ....

Removing  is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new life
There are a number of reasons when it comes to release:
We have to let go of someone because our happiness is not dependent on him.
We have to let go of someone because we recognize the handsome, beautiful and special it was not necessarily the best for us.
We have to let go of someone because we know if God takes something, He has prepared a change for the better.
 We have to let go of someone when he realized that the beautiful moments that just past.
We have to let go of someone because our logic says "no longer can be maintained". End of love that can not be anchored in the ark marriage, because this kind of love that only a fling and bring pain.
Failure today does not mean we will not achieve what we want in the future. Everything in good time, the beauty of it will be at the right time with the right people according to the will of God. So there is time to maintain and there are times to let go.
"Have We not made for you vacate your chest?, And we have removed from you your burden, the burden back?, And we raise you as the (name) you. Due to the real hardship comes ease, real hardship there is ease. Then when you have finished ( of an affair), do with it - it (affair) to another, and unto thy Lord is should you wish. "(Quran - Insyirah: 1-8).
A wise man said:
Sometimes God brings us to the wrong people before bringing us to the right people so we are grateful for his gifts and took lessons from him.

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