Jumat, 09 November 2012


Understanding Unclean

Unclean is something considered dirty by people who have survived tabi'at (good) and always keep away from him. When exposed to unclean clothes-like feces and urine-it must be cleaned.
Necessary to distinguish between the unclean and hadats. Unclean sometimes be found in the body, clothing and shelter. While hadats particularly in view we find the body. Unclean concrete shape, whereas it hadats abstract and shows the state of a person. When a person is finished having intercourse with his wife (read: jima '), he was in great hadats. When he farts, he was in a small hadats. However if the clothes exposed to urine, it means exposed to unclean. Small Hadats hadats removed by ablution and large bath. While unclean, unclean as long as it is lost, then it makes the object sacred. Hopefully we can distinguish between these hadats and unclean.
often times we are not aware of the existence of such odious, we certainly do not want that our worship to be invalid merely because the unclean body or attached to our clothes. The following are an assortment of unclean and how to mensucikannya:

1. Unclean Mukhaffafah (Impure Light)
That includes light is unclean urine or urine male infants who were given drinking ation (breast milk) with no other food, and yet 2 years old. To purify the unclean mukhafafah is by sprinkling water on the taxable portion unclean.
2. Unclean Mutawassithah (Impure Regular / Medium)
Everything that comes out of kubul and anal human and animal / animals is usual with the level of being unclean. Urine, feces defecation, including carcasses (except fish and locusts), the milk of animals that are forbidden to eat meat, alcohol, and so forth.
Mutawasitah unclean consists of two parts, namely:
- Unclean 'Ainiyah: Clearly visible appearance, taste or smell the smells.
- Unclean Hukmiyah: No Gated (former pee & alcohol)
To make impure sacred mutawasithah 'ainiyah washed way with 1 s / d 3 with clean water to disappear completely filthy. Sengankan to be able to return the sacred hukmiyah unclean and filthy lost by way of water flowed in a taxable unclean.
3. Unclean Mughallazhah (Unclean Weight)
Mugholazah odious example like salivating dogs, pigs slobber water and the like. Unclean is very high level so as to clean unclean until the sacred should be washed with clean water 7 times in which one times including using water mixed with soil.
Ma'fu unclean is unclean shall not cleaned / washed because it is difficult to distinguish which one is taxable and non taxable unclean unclean. Examples of unclean Mafu is like a little splash of blood or pus, dust, contact with dirty water unintentional and unavoidable. If there is food intruding animal carcasses should not eat dry food except for the part that got dumped enough carcasses alone.

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